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Production Dramaturgy & Research

Production dramaturgy services may include completing an actors'/dramaturgy packet, meeting with the director, attending rehearsals, curating discussions and talkbacks, and writing program notes. 


Curating Audience Talk Backs

Talkbacks can be pre- or post-production. They can also be between the dramaturg and the audience, or they can be a panel with actors, directors, designers, etc. that is moderated by the dramaturg.


New Play Development

New play development services may be crafted to fit the needs of the playwright/director/organization and can include: meeting with the playwright and/or director, conducting preliminary research, moderating and attending workshops, completing an actors'/dramaturgy packet, attending rehearsals, curating discussions and talkbacks, and writing program notes. 


Script Consultations

Script consultation services may be crafted to fit the needs of the playwright and include one-on-one meetings with the playwright and notes on scripts and script drafts.

Get in Touch

Currently she's accepting dramaturgical work for stories based on Jewish, African diasporic, and Hispanic culture. 


©2018 by Danysha Ligon. Proudly created with

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