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Life Update: 2017 Ain't Been So Bad

If you don't like reading, check out my video!

If you didn't notice the author name change, time to check it out because, ISE MARRIED NOW! I got married on October 8th! I'm so happy and blessed. Kalin and I took our leap into eternity and I wouldn't have it any other day. I can't quiet explain my happiness, but with Thanksgiving coming up, I've started reflecting on the wonderful things the Lord has dropped in my lap.

1. These credits transferred correctly!

When Kalin proposed, I made the decision to go to Valdosta State University and I was really pressed about having to push my graduation date back due to credits not transferring, but they have and I'm still set to be out this piece by May 2019!

2. Obviously, getting married!!

Self explanatory!

3. Getting a kitty!

We recently just got a beautiful black and ginger Torti. She's a sassy sister and my best pal, named Medina. I love her and we continue to love our Beta fish, Cairo.

4. Financial Security

We ain't got a huge coin, but we're both working and saving so it limits the stress! And that my friends is GODS doing, because I honestly don't get how we got it this easy.

5. Trying Gator Tail!

I just recently tried gator tail nuggets at Big Nick's in Valdosta! I was skeptical at first, but Kalin assured me everything would be alright and he was DARN RIGHT! My only question now is.....was that seafood? It's an amphibian and I'm confused.

Have a great Thanskgiving, y'all!


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